toby offers drink and waits until accept or refuse.
arrow ui for conversation talking turns.
Damon at least looks at the corpse, for god’s sake.
allow big lobby font, allow ellipsis in settings and lobby escape menu.
setting to not print /help on lobby entry.
ignore escape until endgame results synced to avoid lobby kicks and disabled Spy/Sniper menu items.
handle room name escapes before eating whitespace.
round event for cast member picking up pending statue.
finally solved the mystery of the floor pad rotations, old click-to-move ui vestige, thanks kcmmmmm!.
delay forcing swapper until outside min radius and then random timer.
try harder to find a spot if you’re forced to go to pedestal.
okay/good/bad -> white/green/red in mission preview text.
drink events for accept, reject, offer, waiter giving up.
play microfilm failure animation if bailing on action test.
put a grey bar on them in the portraits on result screen.
sort important NPCs higher/lower than unknown cast.
add concept of “important” NPCs (like green statue swapper).
Happy Valentine’s Day (belated due to a cold) – thank zerotka for the awesome idea!.
display game type and level on match results screen.
ambassador won’t put down briefcase unless it can be picked up without standing on a pad.
couriers never stand on a pad to pick up or put down briefcase.
wait a bit after putting down briefcase.
tiebreaker for both players hitting spy or sniper at the same time in match menu – kind of a hack.
auto-idle state in lobby after 5 minutes of no input to SpyParty.
add idle timestamp to invite confirmation if player is idle.
Uh, this was supposed to be a quick update. Here are the release notes from the private beta forums: This build, v.0, was supposed to be a quicky, but it snowballed bigtime. But hey, it’s still Valentine’s Day in Damon’s heart. The ever-awesome ZeroTKA had an awesome idea for a Valentine’s Day surprise, and then my daughter gave me a cold and I couldn’t get it done for the actual day.